Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School

School News

Thursday, February 13 - Winter Storm Warning

Due to the extreme weather warning and predicted snowfall overnight Wednesday into Thursday, OSTA has cancelled all Special Transportation. Additionally, OC Transpo will not be operating school special runs and will be running  regular routes on a reduced schedule.

Please note, the school will remain open.

Stay safe and plan accordingly for the weather conditions.

Pathways to Success - Thursday, February 20th 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Do you have a child going into grade 9 or 10 next September? Are you unsure about which courses they should choose? Curious about the benefits of enrolling in ‘co-op’? Wondering whether an SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) is a good option? What are E-Learning courses? Or perhaps you’re asking, what are the required compulsory and elective courses for graduation in Ontario?

If you’ve got these questions (and many more!), we’re here to help. We are pleased to invite you to our Pathways to Success where we’ll provide answers and support to guide your child’s educational journey.

Program Night is a special event designed to provide parents and guardians with valuable insights into course selection, pathway planning, and student life. It’s a great opportunity to meet with our staff, explore important updates, and learn about the various resources available to help your child succeed. We will cover key topics such as course options, curriculum highlights, and how to navigate the high school experience.

If you have a child currently in grade 8 -going into grade 9 and/ or a child currently in grade 9 - going into grade 10,  we highly encourage you to attend. The choices made during this time are crucial, and we want to ensure you have all the information needed to make well-informed decisions for your child’s academic future. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, February 20th from 4:30pm - 5:30pm 

Boundary Changes to Lester B. Pearson and St. Matthew High Schools for the 2025-2026 School Year

After a public consultation process, Trustees approved boundary revisions to Lester B. Pearson and St. Matthew High School at a Board meeting on January 28, 2025.

These approved changes to attendance boundaries for the schools will be effective for September 2025.

A brief summary of the recommendations which were approved, are as follows:

Students residing in the redirected boundary to St. Matthew HS would be eligible for transportation to the school. Existing high school students living in the redirected boundary who choose to remain at Lester B. Pearson HS would also be eligible for transportation, subject to meeting criteria.  The Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) will ultimately determine transportation entitlements for students as part of their planning process leading up to the 2024-2025 school year.

Approved Lester B. Pearson and St. Matthew HS Boundary Map

Lester B. Pearson and St. Matthew HS Proposed Boundary Revisions Final Recommendations

Need More Information?

Many of these changes are the result of a public consultation process that started in June 2024. To help parents who may want more background on how these decisions were made, we’ve gathered several resources.

Proposed Option Area Consultation Overview

Proposed Option Area Consultation Document

Existing Boundary

Proposed Boundary

Public Meeting Presentation

Supplementary Information Further to Public Meeting

2024/2025 School Year Checklist for Parents/Guardians 

The start of the new school year is just weeks away, to say we are excited to Welcome everyone back is an understatement!

Parents/Guardians we've created a checklist for you to reference before the start of school, ensuring you and your child don't miss out on any exciting news and opportunities we have here at LBP. If you have any questions or need further assistance please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, September 3.

School Calendar

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